Saturday, January 30, 2010

The bad girls club

The bad girls club is my favorite reality t.v. show. Its just a bunch of trashy girls fighting and making complete fools out of them. They all have nothing else to do so they just pick on each other and argue with each other. I could compare most of those girls to people i go to school with but id rather not mention ;]. I love watching this show because its hilarious how immature and stupid they act and entertaining. A new episode comes on every tuesday and if im not at home i make sure to record it and watch it when i have time.


What has happen in Haiti really touches my heart. i really feel for everyone there because of this huge devistation. if i could, i would help every single person over there. i could not imagine my home and whole country in ruins. no hospital to go to, or stores and businesses. living withouth water and food would literally kill me. im sure the smell there is aweful and would absolutely hate having to be around that. i hate the fact of all those poor children going through so much at a young age. Thats just not right and im not sure why this all happened. my heart goes out to everyone and i hope it all gets better soon.


i cannot wait for graduation!!!! i cannot believe i have made it to my high school year and so very close to graduating and never have to step foot in apollo again. We are the class of 2010....the best year to ever happen. It is a stressful time getting everything ready for graduation and voting on cap, gowns, and senior song. The most important thing is making sure to pass all classes so that there is a chance for graduation haha. I am nervous about that night when so many people will be there and going through the motion and hoping that my parents will be there and i can finally see them.

UK Wildcats

This year i have jumped on the UK band wagon because they are winners. I used to be a Louisville fan because they were better. You cant really say im a true fan because im not due to the fact that i only like them because they are good this year. I like John Wall because i believe he is a true player. A true player to me is someone who isnt a ball hog and isnt all about the fame. They know how to control themselves on the court, pass to other team mates, and take some times to make the other players look good. John Wall has all these characteristics plus he can shoot really good too. I believe he will make it to the pros and go on to be a great all around player for whatever team he chooses to play for.

Careens computer

Recently in my life i have moved in with a friend and no longer live with my family at home. I miss my sister sooooo much and wish i could see her and spend time with her everyday. Anytime i have to use the internet for homework i have to spend most of my night at Careen Turner's house. Usually im here until 11 at night every other night and then i go to my friends house and go to bed. If it were up to me i would not be in this position. It is so hard to finish homework and have the drive to finish my homework instead of give up. Most nights i get all settled into the house i'm staying at and then i remember i have homework on the computer so i have to get up and go out in the cold and drive myself to Careens house to finish my homework. Then i have to go out in the cold again and drive back to the house. I dont complain about it much at all because its not something to brag about but i just thought i would take time to write about it since i cant think of much else to write about.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Winter is a wondreful thing. Whether its playing in the snow or inside with the family. Watching movies is my favorite thing to do in the winter. Watching the snowflakes fall outside is pretty awesome too. Winter is when the trees loose their leaves and become dormant and there is no color in the world. What i dont like about the winter is that many animals go into hibernation. Winter is not one of my favorite season except for the fact that Christmas is during the winter. Water freezes and causes ice to freeze on the roads and cause school to close!!!!! What i like about winter is this, that many days we get out of school because of the ice and snow. Winter, Winter, Winter, I love and dont love winterrrr!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have grown to hate blogging. At the beginning of the school year it wasnt that big of a deal, but now that i have to do it basically almost everyday i hate it. It would be sort of different if i wasnt forced to do it to get a good grade, but if i want that shining A+ then i have to blog every stinking day. The only plus to the blogging we have to do is that we can choose wateer topic we want to write about. Eventually when the suggested blog topics dont work for ya then you run out of topics to blog. Take for instane this blog, i should be blogging about ugly words and incoorporating them into a paragraph buuuuutt i cant think of any good ones and google wasnt helping me out. So basically this blog is because i have nothing else better to blog about and im stuck talking about it :]

Friday, January 15, 2010


I work at shoe stop over by buffalo wild wings that used to be shoe carnival a long long time ago. If i had to recommend a job to anyone i would NOT recommend the shoe business. So much more goes into all of that then you think. During the day the grumpy managers are on your butt the entire day to help people. They just dont understand the fact that some people just dont like to be bothered when they shop or look for shoes. I know that whenever i look for shoes i dont like people to bother me. If we arent doing anything at all because no one wants help then we get in trouble. There are 12 aisles of no telling how many thousand pairs of shoes and by the end of the night, every shoe box has to be touched and straightened. When all of that is done and its closing time, the trash has to be taken out, every aisle perfect, all the shoes and drags are up, the bathrooms are checked and cleaned, the break room is to be cleaned and the trash in there taken out and finally the entire store has to be vacuumed. All of this is done EVERY night. Not only is that a pain, but the managers are not nice to the sales associates and it is the most stressful job in the entire world. Ahhhhhhh i love my job :] haha