Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Love is Blind"

In a way i do believe that love can be blind. There are some people who get so wrapped up in the one they think they are in love with that they dont see exactly what is important. There are those high school kids who will throw thier bright future ahead of them for a bum who they believe they are in love with at such a young age. Some kids do find their "loves" in high school and eventually marry them and have a good life but its really rare. Most of those relationships end up in heart ache or divorce. Adults can also be blind at times. Some women will be beaten by their husbands but think that they are in "love" and continue on with that relationship. Love can be a good thing. It gives companionship for those who need someone to love them and it really looks past some of the flaws thoat most people look at. Love is not always blind, but i believe that when kids start "love" at a young age, that it is mostly blind to reality.

A Life Without Reading or Writing....

My life would be completely turned upside down if i didnt know how to read or write. Many things today are based on reading. I doubt i would have a job or make good grades in school (especially an english class). I dont like to read or write now but it is such a huge part of everyday life. There are simple things that ask you to read, like street signs or notes that teachers give you. If i couldnt do those two tasks i would feel completely lost in the world.

"A Family That Laughs Together, Stays Together"

This quote is very important to me. A family that never laughs together would be boring and probably wouldn't be as happy and positive. Laughter bring joy to the heart and is always enjoyed by others. Everyone has their own unique laughs. There are kinds like squeaky, ear piercing high pitched or loud, those laughs that come along with snorting, and the quiet laughs that cause the whole body to shake. This uniqueness in a way defines some people. When some people have very, very, very different laughs they are easily remembered that way, and it makes them, them. Laughter in a family causes them to become closer and happier. Everyone in my family has their own unique laugh and we all enjoy them. We all have family get togethers and tell funny stories to make us all laugh because we are such a close family that loves to laugh. Without it my family would not be what it is.

A Life Without Potatoes...

When i think about it, my life without potatoes would be sad. Potatoes come in many different forms that i just so happen to eat. There are mashed, baked, wedges, and in the form of a chip. A life without potatoe chips for me would be devistating. Chips are my alltime favorite snck food to much on when i start to feel hungry, or im just bored. Most of my meals everynight, believe it or not, have some form of potatoes to go with everything else. Potatoes are also full of fiber which is an essential part of a diet. My life without potatoes would be filled with less fiber and very disappointing.


Spring is my second favorite season. This is when all of the trees and grass coming back to life after a dormant winter and all of the beautiful colors start to shine. The climate becomes warmer and all of the animals begin to reproduce to make many animals. The animals that hibernated all winter come out to an dget to enjoy the new climate and food (like grass and trees). I love rain and springtime brings alot of rain. I also love the fact that springtime means that school lets out and i get to enjoy a summer break until the next school year starts. This season bring alot of joy and delight to me!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Precipitancy created prodigality

Precipitancy is a fancy word for Haste and Prodigality is another fancy word for waste. So the more familiar version of the phrase is haste makes waste. I have personally experienced this saying in my life when i was in a wreck the summer of 08. I was in the biggest hurry to get home from practice so that i could take a shower and get ready to go out that night when friends. I was driving and pulling stuff from the back seat into the front seat so that when i got home i could hop right out of the car when i slammed right into the back of a van. The cops were called and my car was a complete mess. The passenger side door wouldnt open, the hood wouldnt open either and the front was completely destroyed. My parents gave me a nice lecture when i got home about how i could have really hurt someone and myself. This created waste because i was more late then what i would have been if i had just drove more carefully.Since then i still find myself in hurries all the time for school, etc, but i still remember how stupid that was for bein in a hurry and when i try to remember i slow down when i drive in a hurry.

Friendship Doubles Joy and Halves Grief

Having friends help you get through many down in life (true friends anyway). They double the joy when your grieving and cut that grief in half. Part of their job IS to help you through the hard times in life. This has been true in many times in my life. When i am having troubles at home or in any other aspects of my life my friends are there to help me get it off my mind and make me happier.

Who Am I Most Like?

When i think about who i am most like in my family, my mother and my aunt brandi come to mind. i always told myself that i would never be like my mom when i got older (as most kids think) but when i really step back and look at it, i am becoming more and more like her everyday and i dont totally hate it. There are some of her annoying traits that i sometimes wish i didnt have but i just cant help it. Now i hope that when i get way older and have kids that i will be just like her. But on the other hand i am just like my aunt Brandi. Having heard stories from my grandmother from when Brandi was my age, we sound exactly alike. She went through her ups and down but she turned out just fine. I hope that my life looks like hers in the future years.